NAIROBI: Undeterred by the horrors and setbacks in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon, the Bush administration has opened another battlefront in the Muslim world. With full U.S. backing and military training, at least 15,000 Ethiopian troops have entered Somalia in an illegal war of aggression against the Union of Islamic Courts, which controls almost the entire south of the country.
As with Iraq in 2003, the United States has cast this as a war to curtail terrorism, but its real goal is to obtain a direct foothold in a highly strategic region by establishing a client regime there. The Horn of Africa is newly oil-rich, and lies just miles from Saudi Arabia, overlooking the daily passage of large numbers of oil tankers and warships through the Red Sea. General John Abizaid, the current U.S. military chief of the Iraq war, was in Ethiopia this month, and President Hu Jintao of China visited Kenya, Sudan and Ethiopia earlier this year to pursue oil and trade agreements.
The U.S. instigation of war between Ethiopia and Somalia, two of world's poorest countries already struggling with massive humanitarian disasters, is reckless in the extreme. Unlike in the run-up to Iraq, independent experts, including from the European Union, were united in warning that this war could destabilize the whole region even if America succeeds in its goal of toppling the Islamic Courts.
Read the rest of the article on The International Herald Tribune
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
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Sto cercando di orientarmi nell'immenso mondo della tua vita informatica, per capirci qualcosa.
Per ora, quello che vedo lo trovo molto interessante, come ad esempio questo post.
Sto cercando anche di capire cosa c'entra la Turchia, che vedo sempre sottilmente presente, ma non nel tuo curriculum.
Magari lo hai già spiegato un centinaio di volte, ma questa è la mia prima (non ultima) visita.
Grazie mille dell'interesse :)
Sulla Turchia, oddio è una lunga storia. Prima o poi dovrò scriverla sul mio sito. Lo faccio, prometto che lo faccio.
Comunque no, non sono turca, se è questo il tuo dubbio :D
Ciao e a presto!
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